must. have. pumpkin.
I realize it’s the middle of November but I didn’t have the blog set up a month ago I’m a few days late on the Halloween post. I love Halloween because I get to carve pumpkins and hand out candy since I’m way too old to get away with trick or treating now. It sucks though that we only get a small number of kids, as in maybe 1 or 2 a year if that, but I still carve those pumpkins (see them here), I can’t help it. I wasn’t sure how it would go this year with a dog around. When carving the pumpkins it’s not uncommon for lots of pieces to end up on the floor. I made sure pumpkin was safe for dogs first, it is (and canned pumpkin is good for some health issues by the way). I just forgot to thoroughly wash all four pumpkins in case Miss Fin got into them and it may have been what her system didn’t agree with that week.

ooooh Pumpkin
I don’t think Finley ever went more than 5 feet away from the kitchen table the whole time I was carving cause every time a little piece would fall so would run to gobble it up. I did three pumpkins the night before Halloween and Finley was curled up on her sleeping bag waiting for me to finish so I could pay her attention, we usually snuggle in front of the TV at night .  I finished the last one on Halloween and they turned out great. I brought Finley outside with me while I lighted them and had tied to the door handle while I did. She kept trying to get to the pumpkin closest to her. I bet she wanted to turn it into a new giant chew toy.

I brought a pumpkin in because the candle kept dying and I was hoping to get a picture of her and me with it, you to commemorate her first Halloween with us. Well it took many tries because she wouldn’t leave the pumpkin alone. She was drawn it, love at first sight it seems...okay maybe not, she wanted to eat it.  I got quite a few pictures of her chewing on the pumpkin or wriggling to get at it instead. Even after I hid the pumpkin in the hall closest she was trying to get at it and kept sniffing at the door but I wouldn’t let her. She still had a great Halloween though and even greeted the one trick or treater that came by at the door.